Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009

Lots of random stuff happened today but nothing worth sharing....oh besides I locked my keys in my car and The AAA membership came in very handy! Thank goodness I have been a member for a whole 3 weeks :)!!! Thinking about going to spend a week with the hubby while he is in Pittsburg the end of July! So, if anyone knows any fun, cheap activites to keep the kids entertained while Jason is working in the Pittsburg area, please share with me!!! God Bless everyone!!!

Playing in the tree in our front yard! All the kids love this tree!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Piittsburgh Zoo is awesome and you can get in free with your Zoo membership from here. They have a water park and a place called Kenny Wood that you can go too but they may not be cheap. Just walking around the river is really cool.
