Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates.......

Sometimes I will randomly quote the famous Forrest Gump saying "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get". Typically, when I quote this saying I like to speak it in my best Forrest Gump impersonation, which is far from the original but I like to think it is pretty good :). Anyway, life really is like that big box of heart shaped chocolates you get from your love on Valentine's Day. You pick one up and look at it real good and it may look extra tempting and yummy on the outside, but if you bite into it expecting gooey caramel (my favorite) you end up with a mouth full of nasty coconut (which I hate!). Sometimes, what seems like it may be a great idea could turn out to be a hot mess! As you read, you are probably wondering where I am going with this, but I really have a lot of little life incidents that I can compare to my big heart shaped box of chocolates. With future posts I am sure you will see where I am going with it, but for now----I will leave you with my Forrest Gump quote of the day and my other favorite saying of "Everything happens for a reason".

Much Love~~Amanda~~

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